10 Most famous hackers of all time

In the world of web where we get the global connectivity, it is far easier to break into someone’s personal zone. By personal, we do not just mean the social media. The world wide web which has become the hub of storing and restoring information, considered to be the safest vault, is a mere toy in the hands of a few computer geniuses. Hackers, Black Hat Hackers, villains, crackers, cyber-criminals, cyber pirates as they are well-known, throw a malicious software or virus at a system to gain the access to the desired information. Piqued by curiosity, they may perhaps break into your system too. Here are top 10 hackers or the whiz kids who put the world in awe with their dexterity.

10-Jonathan James

first imprisoned Internet crimes at the age of 16 in the United States, gained notoriety through the implementation of a series of penetration operations in various systems. Surprisingly, when he was in the 16-year-old was able to penetrate many systems such as NASA and the US Department of Defense, said he stole software worth more than $ 1.7 million. In 2008, he committed suicide at the age of 25 using the pistol and leave a note in which some of the remarks.

9-Vladimir Evin

In 1994 Levin transfer $ 10 million from City Bank customer accounts to private accounts all over the world, but was soon arrested and recover the amount of the theft except 400 thousand. Said it is the first bank robbery on the internet. Has been captured in 1997.

8-Albert gonzalez

Masterminding  accused the largest theft of cash machines (ATM) and credit cards in history, where it is said that he sold his collection of more than 170 million credit card number and ATM, through the SQL that allowed them of stealing computer data from a network of internal corporate injection. When he was arrested authorities seized 1.6 million in cash, and in 2010 was sentenced to prison for 20 years.

7- David L. Smith

In early 1999, the age of e-mail innocence ended with the creation of the Melissa worm virus. Melissa was a macro mass-mailing virus that, legend has it, was named after a stripper favored by Smith. The virus would read a client’s address book and send piles of emails along with a header reading “Here is the document you asked for…” clogging the computer networks of the day. Links in the e-mail led to various pornographic sites. Melissa went on to inspire several copycat viruses. Smith pleaded guilty to the charge of malicious activity in late 1999, and served 20 months.
Although it has been more than 60,000 postal virus was discovered, Smith is the only one who entered the prison to send one.
Following his arrest, Smith went undercover to assist the FBI in tracking other virus producers.

6-George Hotz

George Hotz, 24, is best known for hacking Sony's PlayStation 3 and Apple's iPhone, actions that have seen him subject to legal action.

Mr Hotz is part of Google's Project Zero, a new effort to identify problems within any software, not just Google's.

5- Adrian Lamo

Arrested in 2003, Adrian Lamo first gained notoriety for hacking into the networks of Yahoo, Microsoft and the New York Times. Lamo entered the spotlight again in 2010 for turning in Army Specialist Bradley Manning during the WikiLeaks affair. Lamo was still in hiding as of 2011 due to threats and fallout from the WikiLeaks scandal.

4-Kevin Poulsen

A famed computer cracker turned journalist, Poulsen was known by his handle Dark Dante and pulled off several high-profile stunts in the early days of computing. In addition to creating a virtual escort agency via the Yellow Pages for an accomplice, Poulsen commandeered all of the telephone lines for KIIS-FM in Los Angeles, assuring that he would be the 102nd caller to receive a prize of a Porsche 944 S2. After serving five years in prison, Poulsen has reinvented himself, serving as the news editor for Wired.com.

3-Robert Tappan Morris

Son of National Security Agency scientist Robert Morris (a cowriter of UNIX code), Morris set one of the first worms loose on the Internet in 1988. Unlike a virus, a worm is a standalone program that does not need to attach itself to a host application to replicate. Morris claimed he created the “Morris worm” as a method of merely testing the extent of the then-infant Internet. Whatever his intent, Morris became the first person convicted under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, for which he was fined $10,050 and served three years probation plus community service time. Morris later went on to found the successful Viaweb site and Y Combinator firm. Morris is now a tenure-track professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

2-Michael Kals

Michael kals- in 2000 launched a series of attacks on a large scale against commercial sites, including Yahoo Amazon.eBay CNN. He has to compromise when Yahoo was the leading search engines, and caused the closing for almost an hour. In 2001, he was tried eight months of open custody and one year on probation and pay a fine and specify the use of the Internet.

1-Gary McKinnon

In 2002 appeared on the computers screens of the US military forces  strange message mockery of protection systems they use, later turned out it issued from Gary McKinnon, has been charged with the implementation of the largest attack on US government networks, including the army, naval and air forces and systems and NASA; causing the damaging an estimated 700 000 dollars. he justified performing these activities in search of information about space objects, it is believed that the American government hide such information in computers and military equipment.
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