How to disable Right click in Blogger blogspot .. how To Protect your photos ..

For fear of being looted, some bloggers often express the desire to prevent the right mouse click on their website. This key, in normal times, have access to the copy function.
The operation that I present is very simple and very fast. We will see together.
Then we will allow us to say what we think.

First go to template in your blogger dashboard
and choose Edit HTML

then click CTRL+F and serch for <Head>
and paste this code just after :

<script type='text/javascript'>
// <![CDATA[
function nodroit()
alert('Right click disable');
document.oncontextmenu = nodroit;
// ]]>

save's done ..

it's done. It was very fast and now every time someone wants to right click on your site there will be a small pop-up display "Right click Disable". [Of course, if you prefer, you can put another message in the code that has been presented to you.]

Are you protected against copying your images?
Unfortunately not, admittedly.

Prints button keypad screen allows you to retrieve a copy of the screen.
Images are anyway stored in the temporary files of each position. It is within the reach of any informed browser.
Some browsers (Firefox) allow to drag / drop the image on the desktop.

Finally, it is unfortunate that it removes access to all other functions of the right click (and not only the Copy / Paste).

In the next tutorial we will see how to disable the copy-paste in your blog blogspot.

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