How to protect your account Apple iCloud, Google or Facebook

Although piracy iCloud accounts is not yet proven, broadcast pictures of naked Jennifer Lawrence reminds us of the importance of protecting its data online.

Apple iCloud accounts, Facebook, Google or even Dropbox are vulnerable when certain security databases are not met. A worrying situation since our smartphones and tablets regularly back up the contents on online servers of these companies.
In theory, it is still useful. In case of theft, loss or destruction of the mobile, it is possible to easily retrieve data and restore them on another smartphone. In practice, a hacker can retrieve this information if it can find the password supposed to protect or uses a security hole. The radical solution would be to stop all online synchronization, which means missing some advantages. In this situation, then it is important to follow some advice.

Choose a good password
The first, basic, is to opt for a long and complex password for each service. Forget the names, birth dates, nicknames, proper names and other words from the dictionary. A password should mean nothing and above exceed 10 characters. Mix capital and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols. For those who have trouble holding a formula you can use SMS language or Leet Speak, which involves replacing letters with numbers (read here). Warning, this is not always sufficient to protect an account. It is necessary to use a different password for each online service. Similarly, it is important to enhance security with the double protection.

Implement dual protection
Introduced by Google, Apple or even Dropbox, 2-step validation enables secure its accounts. Each time a user wants to log in from a new device, the service provider sends a code by SMS (on the mobile number indicated at registration). The only password is no longer sufficient and it is necessary to always have his phone on hand for valuable code. This will be requested only when you log for the first time from a machine or after a long disconnection.
Attention in this situation, where smartphone theft, it is imperative to revoke permissions and sending SMS code until the line is found. For added security, it is wise to put two phone numbers. Furthermore, when someone tries to connect to your account without your knowledge, you will be notified automatically by receiving an SMS with the code to learn. Without this code, the hacker can not do anything and you will be informed that it is time to change your password.

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