HTTP / 2, the protocol that will accelerate web browsing with more security

HTTP is about to receive its first update since 1999. Through a series of technical optimizations in trade between the servers and Internet browsers, HTTP / 2 should significantly speed up loading of Web pages.

That is fact. Mark Nottingham, who runs the HTTP Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force, announced on his blog. There are still many steps before the new standard is implemented in your favorite browser. But in terms of its functions, it's over.

Do not expect a revolution. It is even likely that you are heading not immediately account the integration of HTTP / 2 in your browser! Yet it should speed (some) web surfing and reduce latency when you connect to a Web site. We do not go into technical details of complex -n'hésitez not to consult the document describing the protocol for this if you have the courage. But in essence, HTTP / 2 accelerates the display of pages by reducing and optimizing TCP exchanges between the client (browser) and server (Web site). In particular it can "multiplex" file transfers on a single TCP session and reduce bandwidth consumed by applications using compression.

The legacy of Google

HTTP / 2 does not come out of nowhere. It is actually based on SPDY, a protocol introduced by Google in 2012, already implemented in Chrome and Firefox, and used by many important sites, such as Facebook, YouTube or Twitter. Recovered by the IETF to become a standard, SPDY has mutated into HTTP / 2, and Google has indicated he abandoned in favor of the new protocol. It's a good thing because now standardized, HTTP / 2 will be implemented eventually massively across the web, not just on some sites who chose SPDY.

Source: Mark Nottingham Blog

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