Increase traffic to your blog by adding meta tags on Blogger

The number of visits to your Blog is closely related to its positioning in search results on Google and other search engines, hence the need to add "meta tags" which is simply a centralized description a web page. It is easy to integrate on Blogger, and its effect is probably positive on the positioning of your blog in search results (search engine ranking).

Since these meta tags, bots / robot can easily find information on the page as the author, language, country, platform, keywords, description. Specifically meta keywords (key word) and meta description will help you lead a great traffic to your blog for search engines.

Below is the list of meta tags and their descriptions, you can add the ones you want, the most important are the first two (description and key word):

<meta content = "My description" name = "description" />

This meta tag is used to show the robot / bot a brief description of your blog. Replace My description with a description of your blog: be short, precise, you are focusing on the essentials (not to exceed 200 words).

<meta content = "KW1, KW2, KW3" name = "keywords" />

It is used to highlight the invisible key word in your blog but linked to it. Add in place of KW1, KW2, KW3. You can add an unlimited number (add some keywords by putting a comma in the preceding) but it is recommended not to exceed 7 for better SEO.

<meta content = "My name" name = "Author" />

Used to specify the name of the author of the blog / article. My name is replace by name or by the link to your Google+ profile.

<meta content = "G + URL" name = "Publisher" />

Used to verify that you are indeed the owner of this blog. Replace G + URL link to your Google+ profile.

<meta content = "index, follow" name = "robots" />

Specifies the permission granted to bots / robot. "Index" can take into consideration your articles in the search results. "Follow" indicates that the link of your blog will be followed.

<meta content = "Engine" name = "generator" />

Used to show the platform used by your blog. If you use Blogger, replace Engine by Blogger.

<meta name = "copyright" content = "owner">

Protect your content by using this meta tag. Replace owner by the name of the author / owner of the blog.

How to add these meta tags?

Follow these steps to add / meta tags on your blog:

Login to Blogger
Choose your blog and click "Model"
Remember to save your template
Click "Edit HTML"
Look through "Ctrl + F" the </ head>
Just before paste the modified meta tag
It's over. Check your Blogger meta tags here.
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