Neptune Suite: a smartwatch Transformers!

the creators of the smartwatch Neptune Pine are back, and this time they are a little more ambitious. While Pine stands in smartwatches sector by providing the functionality of a tiny Android smartphone on your wrist, Neptune Suite comes with a larger screen, more powerful, and while still being affixed to your wrist. Ah, it will also give a lot of wireless accessories that will allow you to interact with it as if using a smartphone, tablet or laptop.

Neptune plans to sell the Suite for 899 dollars if it happens to be born in a little less than a year. To assist in this process, the company turned to crowdfunding platform Indiegogo to raise a few dollars. Through the platform, you'll be able to get hold of the Neptune Pine for the modest sum of $ 599.

To return to the device, the Suite is made of several components. There Neptune Hub, which is a kind of smartwatch with a color touch screen, which offers a lot of connectivity: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, NFC and LTE.

You can use the Hub to display the time, send messages, or perform other tasks. This is actually the brains of the whole operation, which houses the processor, memory, storage, and just about everything else.

But if you want a larger screen for watching videos, surfing the web, checking Facebook, or perform other activities that do not prove to be optimal on a small screen, there Pocket Screen. It is basically a Bluetooth device with a capacitive touch screen 5 inches, and has a camera on the back and another in the front. It looks like a smartphone, but it's more of a remote control for applications running on the Hub.

Need something a little larger? There Tab Screen 10 inches that works just like the Pocket Screen, but bigger. It has a camera on the front, so that you can make video calls without any problems.

Neptune Keys is the name of a wireless keyboard that you can use with the Tab Screen to create a semblance of laptop. Or, you can just use it as a wireless keyboard to enter text directly on the Neptune Hub.

You want to run applications on your TV? The Neptune is a HDMI Dongle key that you plug into your screen, so the applications on your Hub can be projected on it. Think of it a bit like a Google Chromecast.

Finally, there is the Neptune Headset turns out to be a wireless headset.

The future?

Concerned that the Hub does not have enough juice to take all day? It has a battery of 1000 mAh, which is half of what is found on a modern smartphone. But it also has a smaller screen and less resources. More importantly, the Pocket Screen has a battery of 2800 mAh and Tab Screen has a battery of 7000 mAh. In other words, you can use these as an external battery to charge your Hub while you are away if the bracelet is out of juice. Neptune Headset can also be connected to be recharged.

The concept seems pretty realistic, and Neptune is no novice in the area, suggesting that the project could succeed. Nevertheless, this is a terribly ambitious project. The Indiegogo page is filled with pictures instead of rendered pictures of real products. And there are many things that can happen before the planned launch in February 2016. In addition, if the material now seems decent, it might be less impressive in a year.

Neptune states that the Hub will have a quad processor clocked at 1.8 GHz, 64 GB of internal storage, a capacitive touch screen of 2.4 inches, a port for a nono-SIM card, a heart rate monitor, speakers, a sensor MICR and movement, while the 5-inch screen will have a 720p resolution, and the 10-inch screen will have a 1080p resolution.

Personally, the concept of having a mini computer on the wrist I agree!

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