Prism, the software that uses the US government to monitor you

There are few days Edward Snowden, the former CIA collaborator has revealed the existence of a monitoring program called Prism.

Following these revelations, the British newspaper The Guardian says that the NSA has direct access to data hosted by US technology giants, including Google, Facebook, YouTube, Microsoft, Yahoo !, Skype, AOL and Apple . Barack Obama presents it as a counterterrorism tool.

Prism, what is it?

PRISM is an electronic monitoring program set up by the united states to monitor the activity of each user. PRISM allows the NSA to collect information from Internet companies with a database of important personal data, the program allows the US government to access foreign users who use data services such as Google, Facebook and Yahoo.

But how Prism really work?

With Prism, NSA can connect directly to Microsoft servers, google, facebook, paltalk, youtube, aol, skype and apple through a backdoor that allows them to see all the information of Internet users.

The Prism collection system e-mails, files, photos, content, audio and video communication over the Internet, information on social networks and events such as connecting to certain sites.

A fact sheet on the NSA program, acquired by the Guardian, said: "The tool allows users to select a country on a map and visualize the volume metadata and select details of the collections against this country."

Ashkan Soltani, a researcher on privacy and independent consultant, working with another researcher, nicknamed "semipr0," conducted a computer graphics that properly defines how PRISM could work:

After collection comes the use of these data and for that US government agencies have a tool called Boundless Informant that visually browse these (meta) data collected.

Surveillance in the huge amount of information collected is through keywords that trigger a full analysis of all exchanges of persons and suspects. This practice is not unique since all social networks already do this analysis to better profile the users of their services to offer them suitable advertisements to their profile, interests and research. This analysis is very powerful, Google is able to predict with three days ahead of global monitoring networks, emergence of a wave of illness such as the flu.
We have no more secrets for Google, Microsofr, Facebook and others.

There is a few years, a computer magazine able to reconstruct every moment of the life of a surfer for over a year with the only public information left by it on the Internet.

How to protect yourself from Prism?

From when will the monitoring harm? If we have nothing to hide from Google and others, we should have nothing to hide PRISM, but it's a matter of principle; should we allow the NSA to go well in our lives? Certainly not. It is not because you have nothing to hide nothing you will one day reproached. When we seek, we find, always. But if we say no to the NSA, then we should take precautions to protect themselves prism or other spy software.

Here are some tips to avoid Prism: Use a search engine "confidential" that does not send the user's IP address as Ixquick and Startpage DuckDuckGo. Use open source browser like firefox. Its source code is available. This means that it is possible to study and modify its code. Beware of social networking Couriers major US companies are to be avoided (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook). Choissez Bitmessage Riseup or install a free operating system as open source linux In summary, replace the closed and proprietary solutions through free and open source solutions. Use anonymisateurs relay to hide your IP address as the use of a proxy or Tor.

After, we must keep in mind also that even if you make all these efforts, if you send messages to your friends and they are on Gmail or Outlook or use Windows or Mac OS, it will not do not much. But nothing is perfect in life ... Let's try to do the best.

Another significant thing you can do to avoid damage Prism is to ask around us. Explain to those who use the US intelligence services that their data is thank you to the US government. Share this article so everyone is aware of this!

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