Watch Apple promises to make a hole in your bank account. The smartwatch that Apple describes as his "most personal device," is ready for prime time. However, the unit's purchase requires meticulous process, which is more complex than a simple exchange of money and goods.
While pre-orders for the Apple Watch open tomorrow, Apple already warns potential buyers that its connected watch could meet a crazy popularity, even before anyone had even pressed the button "buy." The Cupertino company believes that "considerable interest" in the Watch will see demand exceed supply.
Therefore, for the period of initial launch, it will be only for pre-order online. The entire statement below came from Angela Ahrendts, SVP in charge of Apple Store.
"We are delighted to welcome guests and introduce them tomorrow Apple Watch, our most personal device. If it is based on the considerable interest on the part of individuals who visit our stores, as well as the number of clients who have dined at the Apple Store online to be alerted as soon as the availability of Apple Watch, we We expect strong customer demand, which will exceed our supply at launch, "she said.
24 on your wrist
Thus, she said that to provide the best experience and meet as much as possible to customers that the company is taking orders for the Apple Watch exclusively online during the initial launch.
Although the process sounds like a chore, fanboys and all lovers of technology will certainly rush to the Apple website tomorrow. In other words, hysteria should be at the peak in the US, UK, China, Australia, France, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong and Germany.
If you hurry, Apple Watch will be on your wrist April 24th!
Bon ready to refresh the page tomorrow?
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