Open Whisper Systems : Need some privacy ?

Secure your communication with WhisperSystems mobile applications. It's that simple.

Open Whisper Systems announced the release of Signal 2.0, the second version of its app for iOS. What makes this latest release special is that it allows users to send end-to-end encrypted messages, for free, to users of Redphone and TextSecure, Android apps supported by Open Whisper Systems that encrypt calling and text messages, respectively.

if you are making a phone call with your phone, you used to have two options: Accept the notion that any wiretapper, hacker or the nsa can listen in on your conversations, or pay for pricey voice encryption software.

As of today there’s a third option: The open source software group known as Open Whisper Systems has announced the release of Signal, the first iOS app designed to enable easy, strongly encrypted voice calls for free.

Signal encrypts calls with a well-tested protocol known as ZRTP and AES 128 encryption, in theory strong enough to withstand all known practical attacks by anyone from script-kiddy hackers to the NSA.

RedPhone Private calls for Android

provides end-to-end encryption for your calls, securing your conversations so that nobody can listen in.

TextSecure  Private text and chat for Android

 encrypts your text and chat messages over the air and on your phone.

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