20 unusual ways to recharge your phone

Kinetic energy, body heat, firewood, solar, water power ... all methods are good to recharge your mobile phone. Discover 20 original methods to refuel!
Our mobile phones are discharged too quickly, it is a fact. Many enlightened technicians currently working on methods for the less unusual to charge our devices. Some of them are still at prototype form, others are already on the market.

1. A cafe to refuel

    The Epiphany Laboratories is the origin of this unusual project that can charge through its terminal generates temperatures drink. Coffee, cappuccino, tea or even a good lemonade or a cold beer ... the device called onE Puck is not sectarian and offers a small plateau and a USB cable appropriate to connect directly to the terminal.

The invention has obviously attracted investors since Kickstarter on $ 100,000 requested by Epiphany Laboratories, 132,739 dollars were injected into the project.

2. Put your smartphone over a wood fire

 Stay in power generated by the temperature and let's look now at this technique that takes advantage of only the heat from a fire. The BioLite CampStove takes the form of a container in which it will take place a few twigs. Once the fire started, the device can charge the terminal.

The product is already on the market. Count 129.95 dollars to recharge your device and stay warm at the same time.

3. The charger 100% organic: You!

So far we have raised the heat emitted by objects (drinks and wood combustion). Still, you also produce heat and those made by your body has the ability to charge your mobile. So that was developed a sleeping bag that collects your heat and converts it into energy for your battery.

Also available in Pocket version:

The device is currently under test and supported by the Vodafone mobile operator. Suffice to say that it gives some chances of reaching a commercial launch.

4. The kinetic energy of your feet ...

Without realizing it, you produce joules once you put one foot before the other. Student researchers at Rice University in Houston (United States) have developed a device that recovers the kinetic energy and converts it into electricity to replenish its battery.

To collect, they adapted a kind of metal lever placed under the sole of the pedestrian or cyclist. Aesthetically, some improvements would be welcome. Technically, it's smart!

5. And there was light on the beaches of Brazil

Of course, the solar charging can legitimately occupy a place in this article. And it is likely that you have already seen some demonstrations of these products. Still, innovation can also go through with this marketing smoothly conducted by Nivea operation.

The brand care products had the brilliant idea to replace the 4th cover of a popular magazine in Brazil by a solar USB charger.

Again, it's all about heat.

6. With urine ... yes, yes

This time it are British researchers who conducted this strange experience. The information was published in July 2013 on the very serious scientific journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Specifically, the urine flows through a set of bacteria cells and thus transforms the organic matter into electricity.

The researchers were able to surf the web, send text messages and even make a quick call. The process is waiting to evolve to gain autonomy.

7. The smartphone - almost -Autonomous (Wysips technology)

And if your smartphone could recharge itself? The concept of solar charging is not new but this new form has serious arguments to make. Indeed, the company has developed a film SunPartner clear glass that produces energy to recharge the terminal.

At this stage of product development, the mix of optical and photovoltaic technologies offers 4 Battery minutes to 10 minutes of exposure. The prototypes thus can not charge alone, but innovation clearly interested market players. And the company does not intend to confine itself to mobile screens. Watches, bars, bus stops, cars, house windows, roofing of sports equipment ... the media on which to ask these high-tech glazing abound (source).

8. With a hydrogen cartridge

On 12 November 2013, the company Intelligent Energy launched  Upp. This is a small housing with a fuel cell which capture the surrounding air and hydrogen mixture stored in its cartridge (replaceable). Result: Upp offers multiple charging capacity to a device with a USB port. Ideal if you go one week in a private area of electricity and want to have a small power station at hand.

9. Recharge it with the force of water

    Imagine the scene: you are lost (e) deep in the jungle and mobile signals 1% remaining battery. You just have time to see you network your laptop goes out (what an extraordinary scenario, -this is not?)

In a burst of survival in the midst of alligators that are beginning to find you particularly appetizing, you go out of your bag the object that will perhaps save your life: HydroBee. This system will accumulate energy from the force of the water. The hydraulic generator can be placed against the tide and you can then transfer the power created through a USB cable.

Well, in a less exotic version it also works with the tap of your bathroom. HydroBee is a prototype.

10. With your breathing when you sleep

It is a concept and there is no reason why this device does not born. The idea here is to recharge the battery of your phone by using your breath, at least that which is produced to sleep.

"Aire" (that's the name of this mask) includes several small wind turbines that will turn with our breath. The energy produced will then charge the phone using a traditional cable.

11. Recharge your mobile in 20 seconds !

Her name Eesha Khare, she is 18 and studying at an American university. Nothing much surprising so far. Except that this student has developed a supercapacitor capable of swelling to block the battery of a mobile terminal in 20 seconds (30 seconds or less!). Another advantage of this device, the power to increase the number of possible charges of a same battery 10,000.

The young woman was awarded in May 2013 by Intel who paid her the tidy sum of $ 50,000. That is what comfortably continue his studies and seduce the big names in electronics.

12. A little flash and go again for hours

Nokia innovates by demonstrating an express reloading a Lumia 925 with an artificial flash. The experiment was conducted with the participation of Neil Palmer, a researcher from the University of Southampton in the UK.

As you can imagine, they had all the technical means to carry out this experiment. We strongly advise you to play the apprentice scientists at home or even place your smartphone on top of a hill in stormy weather. The result would probably be not as satisfying.

13. rubbing his mobile screen

Innovation comes this time from Beijing where researchers from the local university have developed an unusual device. When the user moves his finger on the screen, it generates static electricity that recharges the battery. Discover the details of this project this page.

Snags Candy Crush will soon have no problem of autonomy.

14. Pedal 10 minutes to fully recharge his mobile

What an idea it is good. As described in the following video, the terminal owner has to go to a rather special terminal for connecting. A few pedal strokes later, the load is visible and effective.

15. Listen, it's charging!

The experiment took place in 2011 at the Glastonbury Festival (UK). The Orange mobile operator has designed a T-shirt with a surface enabling the transformation of its electricity. You can then connect directly to the mobile Sound Charge - is the name of the garment - to start charging.

Photo: Orange

16. Roll skaters, at the same time recharging

The device is located under the skate board and hosts a charging system for your mobile phone. To power, the movement of the plate wheels will recharge a battery in the same way as a dynamo lighting the path of a cyclist. 1 hour ride would fully recharge an iPhone.

Chargeboard remains a project looking for funding but could mix the business with pleasure for skaters worldwide.

Discover the video presentation ...

17. Recharging with soda Mode

The project was launched in 2010 but did not find - again - in the lives of mobile users. Still, the idea is interesting and may well see daylight. The idea precisely: it is a mobile phone and Nokia signed conceptualized by Daizi Zheng whose power and charging system takes the form of a soda container. The beverage properties allow to operate a terminal bottle look.

Drink or call, it will obviously choose.

18. Simply, With the sea water 

Who would think that simple molecules of hydrogen, oxygen and a pinch of salt can recharge your device or many other useful items (lamps, fans ...)?

You put a little sea water in the device (149 euros) and you're with your charging system, called myFC PowerTrekk.

19. With style please

Away from you the idea to charge your phone like everyone else? This rather special object can also be placed on a desk in a car. A semi-rigid cable that can contort to suit your needs and constraints of your environment. Also ideal if you do not want your smartphone lying on the floor when connected to a low outlet.

More info here

20. Pedal, pedal ...

We end this overview of the craziest ways to recharge your mobile with this device that integrates with a bike and cyclist activity turns your energy for your digital companion. Well, he'll have to tinker a bit but it works..

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