Astoria : a new TOR Client to avoid the spying attempts from the NSA

Researchers have developed a new TOR client, called Astoria, whose peculiarity is to mitigate spying attempts by the NSA, using less vulnerable to eavesdropping ways.

Since the Snowden affairthe use of TOR network is constantly increasing; that is why the intelligence agencies like the NSA and GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) continue to focus their efforts to monitor the anonymous network. To carry out their monitoring, these intelligence agencies use several techniques called timing attacks to de-anonymize user data.

To remember, TOR (The Onion Router) is the network of anonymity most popular which is intended to allow a user to browse the Internet anonymously via a network of over 6000 Relay / nodes.


Thus, to allow users to face spying attempts by the NSA, a team of security researchers has just set up a new tool called TOR Astoria. The latter is a TOR Client specifically designed to protect the activities of TOR Browser users; it implements a series of features that make it difficult to hear the traffic.

According to security researchers, the tool TOR Astoria  would be able to reduce the number of vulnerable connections from 58 to 5.8%, it adds to its ability to block certain methods of de-anonymization (RAPTOR or Anonymity on QuickSand ) used by intelligence agencies.

Researchers say that Astoria does not offer TOR users to be completely immune to all attempts to illegally tapping and spying conducted on the TOR network the intelligence agencies. However, it implements an algorithm that can predict more accurately the attacks, and then choose the most safety relay to connect this way, the possibility of a successful attack becomes minimal.

Furthermore, TOR Astoria is not currently available for public download due to its status as research project.

The research paper on the Astoria project is available here.


And you?

  What do you think of TOR Astoria tool?
  Do you think it will stand long against the intelligence agencies?

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