5 Firefox addons that every hacker must have !

In the Firefox environment, an addon is a series of written commands, and compressed into a single file. It is a sort of list of commands finding directly included in the program.

There are some essential addon for hackers in the Firefox environment. You will probably need one day.

In this article, I present the top 5 addons that every hacker must have on its Firefox browser.

Tamper data

This addon allows you to toggle the data broadcasted over the browser. It will be very useful. You could for example make believe that you are on iOS with Safari when you're on Linux with Firefox. Or you can upload files with unauthorized extension by changing the mime type of a file with Tamper data.

Download Tamper Data


HackBar is a Firefox extension for web developers, administrators, or more widely to people with one foot in the security system (white hat & co).

This extension allows you to:

1 * Encode / decode a url (url_encode, url_decode)
2 * Add or escape characters (addslashes, stripslashes)
3 * Send form data (GET / POST)
4 * Convert a string into MD5, SHA1, Base64, Hex, etc.
5 * Carry out operations, instructions or commands SQL: charset conversion, SQL injection, etc.
6 * And many other things at your fingertips!

Download Hackbar


Firebug is an extension for Mozilla Firefox that allows you to debug and edit HTML, CSS and JavaScript in a web page.

Download Firebug


Firecookie is an extension for Firebug that makes possible to view and manage cookies in your browser. It also allows to exploit a victim's cookies.

ME XSS and SQL Inject Me

XSS allows me to detect XSS in web applications by performing custom assays. XSS ME will test vulnerabilities in your applications and will display a report of possible faults encountered.

SQL Inject Me is an additional module for Mozilla Firefox which has the role of auditing the vulnerability of websites to SQL injection attacks. An attack that can allow access to particular tables in a database.
SQL Inject Me is a plugin that is useful and practical for your penetration testing

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