Encrypt files from your browser

How to be sure that a third party can not access your files sent over the Net? By encrypting ofcourse! With miniLock you can simply make available to encrypted files on a cloud or send them via Skype avoiding the curious ones.

MiniLock is an extension for the Chrome browser that will create a secret key from your e-mail address and a passphrase. This public / private key pair is generated in a fully transparent manner.

As everything is done locally, no risk of your information collected by you know who. In the end, you will just called miniLock alphanumeric ID.

This ID will allow you to encrypt files for yourself, but also to allow friends to encrypt files for your account ... Difficult to make it easier especially just drag and drop a file into the window MiniLock to encrypt all you want.

How to encrypt files from your browser?

First download minilock from Google Chrome and click Free. Enter the password of your Google account if it is not already done and made Add. You can then open miniLock from the new Launcher Google Chrome applications.

Enter your e-mail address and a sufficiently long passphrase to ensure the soundness of your trade but not too complicated for you to remember. miniLock will then generate your private key (which you will never see) and your miniLock ID (the equivalent of a public key).
The alphanumeric string can be shared with friends, even by non-secure means (e-mail, Skype, etc.) It is even advisable to popularize the system!

Make a copy and move the file or folder you want to encrypt in the window and enter the ID miniLock friends who are authorized to access it (yours is automatically in this list).
The file will take the following form: xxxx.xxx.minilock and can not be decrypted by users minilock you specified.

To decrypt the file, make another copy and move. On your computer, it will not need to enter your passphrase.

miniLock is for the moment available only in Chrome and ChromeOS. It is free (AGPLv3) and has already been audited by the company Cure53 with the help of the Open Technology Fund.

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