Ideone - the site that shares and compiles your source code

You probably know Pastebin? But if the site that allows you to copy and paste on the web and share them with his friends to support each other in such source code debug ...

Ideone just arrived in town and it is pretty swollen! Intended for everyone but especially for developers, Ideone fulfilled the same functions as Pastebin, namely quickly share the text (single or source code) on the web, with a small "key" as well! Indeed, Ideone compile or interpret the code you give it.

C, Pascal, Java, Python, C99, Ruby, Perl, C #, PHP, ADA95, Assembler, Bash, Brainf, Clips, D, Fortran, Haskell, Icon, Intercal, Lua, Nemerle, Nice, Ocaml, Pike, Scala, Scheme, Prolog, Smalltalk, Tcl, Vala, VB .NET, anything goes!

Ideal for sharing code and error that this causes during compilation! By cons, for the record, it does not propose to exe download (logical).
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