Deep Down "its graphics surpass any PS4 game"

It is through the Consumer Division 2 Games Development Department Senior Manager 2 (phew!) Very friendly Teruki Miyashita, the comments about this upcoming title appeared.

In essence, besides the usual sentences on "intrinsic" qualities of a future as a developer, as well as changes to the structure of development in society, a phrase used by the developer has retained all our attention.

Ultra ambitious, the game certainly is. But when Miyashita talks about his title is in terms very (too?) Rave. Judge for yourself:

We have also provided a lot of effort on the graphics and the production of the game. The texture and rust on the armor of the player, the flames coming out of the mouth of the dragon, even the way the light is reflected , are of realism.

Using our engine "Panta Rhei" to create that capacity can graphically outperform any PS4 game. We used a variety of production elements to allow players to blend into the game world This is a quality title that will tell the players. "Wow Capcom has released the great game"!

We ask only believe. it remains to be patient for a while before really get to the bottom. One thing seems certain, 2015 will be the war of the "most beautiful graphics".

Hoping that the song is at the height of the plumage ...
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