7 tools to attract quality visitors on their site!

In previous articles, you learned how to improve your visibility by optimizing your website and increase the number of your visitors via an optimized referencing policy and finally by bringing you visitors thanks to Buzz Marketing. Now let's see 7 ways to increase the quality of visitor traffic to your site, thanks to free or paying other websites.

1- Write for other sites!

Write to other sites is a great way to attract qualified visitors: not only will you be present without pay, but in addition you have the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge to an audience that is naturally interested in your products and services .

In addition, with an article on a website you get a long-term visibility.

There are two types of sites that may be interested in your content, sites offering similar content of your activity and sites offering free content.

In sites related to your sector of activity

Write for other websites directly or indirectly related to your business is a great way to quickly gain notoriety because you have direct access to a database of potentially interested readers in your services.

Generally, it is necessary to propose the exchange of products because the two sites are winners. To do this, simply send a simple email to propose an exchange item or exchange of visibility on your sites / newsletters respective (see our article on the 5 steps to set up a partnership).

Do not hesitate to offer its content to leading sites in exchange for a signature at the bottom of an article, running visibility should not be your goal ...

The objective is to gain credibility and reputation. To submit your content to your partners, do not hesitate to prepare a business case and demonstrate the quality of your articles, you have an important texts background, you make regular updates ...

The sites are even more demanding than content producers are more and more since the emergence of Blogs.

Of course, you will say that you can not write or that it is not your job ... Never mind, here are some tips to quickly create rich content and quality:
- Speak simply your industry, your news, changes in your market, tips and tricks you know ... After a few years in an industry, you will inevitably become an expert!
- Make it a synthesis of several items with all serial links. Your item will become a reference.
- Make lists: 100 Tips to ... 10 mistakes not to make the 10 secrets (see the website Best viewed with google bots (http://bvwg.actulab.net) for 12 examples of titles that work well ) ...

Look after the presentation (images, aeration paragraphs ...), knowing that it takes 2-3 hours to an article by one to two pages.

For images, you can use Microsoft clipart or buy images on http://www.fotolia.fr/partner/256605 (0.83 € / image).

Warning: do not launch straight into your email campaign, you must first identify WHICH first contact and customize its messages ...

For this, you must identify influencers (= prescribers) and their level of influence on your customers:

- Influencers Level 1: they are in immediate contact with your customers and they are directly affected in their business by choosing your products or those of competitors. They will therefore encourage customers to take a brand over another.
Eg: For an accounting software company, accountants are Level 1 because influencers in 1/3 of cases it is they who influence the choice of management software. Eg: For a drug manufacturer, doctors and pharmacists.

- Level 2 Influencers: they are in contact with your customers and they are able to influence their choice, but the choice of your product will have a minor impact on their business.
Example: A car manufacturer (prescriber level 2) will tend to favor such engine oil brand over another to improve vehicle performance, but without really a product is really highly recommended. For cons, the mechanic it, is important (prescriber level 1)

- Level 3 Influencers: they are in direct (or indirect) with your customers and they can influence the choice, but it will have no direct impact on their business.
Ex: For a company selling insurance for students, the university is a level 3 prescriber because the choice between several mutual irrelevant for college. They are certainly a link in the chain, but they almost can not influence the selection of students.

Of course, you will absolutely focus on influencers No. 1 priority, and to a lesser extent at level 2, and do not waste your time with the Level 3 influencers.

How does the search for partners?

Just use Google to locate websites and start your mini campaign targeted emailing.

If possible, call your contacts on the phone asking if he is interested in a partnership (note: preparing a calling script before to have good arguments ...). It is so little used, you're sure to score highly caller.

By cons, beware: a partnership to succeed you have to find the right person, the one who has the power to set up a partnership.

This is why you can use matchmaking sites (social networks) that will allow you to contact the right person:
- Viadeo.com (eg bridge) the historical leader of social networks, with many members to contact.
- Linkedin.com: the French challenger Viadeo. This site has the disadvantage and the advantage of being entirely in English ...
- Pro Copainsdavant.com more oriented "classmates", the site still remains attractive due to its huge database of contacts and its many years of existence.
- Facebook.com: the network comes up. For more information, read our "15 professional uses for Facebook" folder.

You will find a comprehensive list Placedesresaux.com networks classified by themes.

Marketing Tips: Be careful not to propose immediately the most impliquantes proposals reserve them to partners who really play the game and it will help keep underfoot leeway.

For example http://www.businessballs.com/market.htm was taken up in several newsletters: http://www.enviedentreprendre.com/ (thanks to this site, my traffic has increased by 2 for 3 days), www.apce.com (j ' I had several hundred more visits during one week) and Arkantos-Consulting.com http://www.marketing-internet.com/ (tens of visits to a few hours), VisionaryMarketing.com ...

This technique offers by far the best with an excellent quality / price / time spent. However, for this to work you have to the original content and quality.

Note: When you post an article on a website, you leave the right site to reproduce your article, it will make you free advertising.

In the provision of content sites.

There are sites whose business is to provide free content.

This type of site is relatively common in the US, but this activity is still very widespread in France.

Here are a few content delivery site addresses:

ContenuLibre.com: most professional Canadian site.
Contenu-Gratuit.com: Site with a few dozen articles.
- RedactionWeb.com: Canadian site with some articles.

Other sites offer you to become a "journalist" by publishing your articles:
- Agoravox: a pioneer, but calls for orginaux and low broadcast content.
- Lepost.fr: emanation of the world, this site is well designed and provides good hearing.
- Rue89.com: is virtually a digital newspaper for the quality of information as photos. It is therefore very difficult to publish information "amateur".
- Come4news.com: it is the most open of articles broadcaster, albeit with a good readership.
- Metroreporter.metrofrance.com: Metro France site

- Newzy.fr: the general site information for companies with different business theme.

And here are other sites publish free books in PDF (ebook) ...
This is the place to publish your articles, white papers, free guides ...
US market leader with French documents are Scribd.com.
This is the place to if you publish articles. Personally, I write all my notes in Word, then I copy-paste in my blog, so I automatically send all my items on Scribd.com. The result is more than 150 products viewed / day, and many visits to my site via the intermediary.

In France, there www.scribeos.com, which was launched recently, and allows you to create and distribute your ebooks in minutes. Internationally there is also www.issuu.com and of course Google Docs.
There are other specialized sites for publishing ebooks, but much less visited:
Livrepourtous.com: 2000 books and simple ergonomics but a little too overloaded pub.
docstoc.com: allows you to publish your books in PDF on their website.
www.lulu.com: allows you to free download or sell your ebooks.
Ebooksgratuits.com: very few books and quite public.
www.webooks.fr: very few ebooks.

There are also sites that allow host Powerpoint presentations:

Slideshare.net: English with only powerpoints share.
SlideBurner.com: to share his powerpoints worldwide (in French).

Finally there Webilus which allows hosting example images.

Note: There are also content sales sites, the two best known being http://www.oodoc.com/et Oboolo.com. But the interest is more limited since you can generally do not leave your signature in the article ... If you published the "real" books, you can use the Google Books service that allows to upload your book (in full or extracts), but for that you must have an ISBN (the equivalent of bar code but for books), which excludes all PDF books (ebooks) ... To publish your articles, do not forget forums and tutorials sites. This is an excellent way to demonstrate their skills and present themselves as "the" expert in one field (while offering the end its own services or service level "2").

The best known are www.commentcamarche.com and http://tutmarks.com, http://www.cestfacile.org/... but there are dozens of others, as well as videos using sites like http : //www.video-formation.fr ...

Marketing Board: Generally you are quoted as author with a link and a small introductory message, it is necessary to write this message as a mini advertising that makes you want to learn more reader on your site.

2- Take part in an exchange network advertising banners!

This is one of the cheapest tools and faster to implement ... but yet it is a little tool used by many websites ...

Of course, you can manually make proposals for exchange of visibility identifying sites with roughly the same number of visitors you and offer cross visibility of trade (with a limitation to X page views ...). Here is also a visibility exchange contract (charge) if you need it.

But it is difficult to manage because of page views count problems and especially the "industrialization" of the process.

Therefore, it is best to sign up for one of many networks to exchange banners.

The exchange of banner advertising is a relatively efficient solution (especially cheap) to attract visitors to your site.

To make your banner advertising, you must follow the standard formats of the Web, the best known is the band with a size of 468 x 60 pixels.

For cons, the sites listed on these services cater mostly to individuals, and the ads you display on your site are not necessarily high quality ... There are many pubs for dating sites, jokes, online games ... and therefore they can harm your brand.

Always favor banners exchange services that offer display THAT banners of a class not to destroy your brand.

Do not forget to make a direct link to a specific page on your site (a "landing page") who will take the exceptional offer to the visitor and immediately prompt action (leave their email, receive free ebook, ordering ...).

I suggest you do not try to sell directly, but to make a sale in two stages: offer a gift (ebook gift voucher ...) that will allow you to get maximum contact and only then to restart (email, phone ...) to offer a commercial offer.

Note that the exchange sites banners usually offer free displays at registration (ratio of 1 banner displayed at home for 1 displayed at the partner), but after it's usually a ratio of 1: 2.

Here are some sites that offer links exchange programs:
http://www.promobenef.com/?parrain=35398: a professional website that offers many quality banners with known sites, and in many formats.
http://france.bpath.com/: a site that offers many services (survey, banner exchange ...), but the exchanged pubs are sometimes very average. We regret also that they offer only pubs format (headband).
http://www.infodunet.com/: an exchange site very classic banners, with visibility bonus if you refer to other websites.
http://pub.doyoono.com/: it allows the exchange of banners, but a little too "beginner" ("adult" section websites, few occupations ...).

The other banner exchange sites:
http://www.tradeban.com/ (currently in maintenance ...)
http://www.banniere-france.com/ (currently in maintenance)
http://www.clicbooster.com/index.php?Aff=fred@conseilsmarketing.fr (fee ...)
http://www.boomclic.com/ Exchange (buttons)
http://www.abcexit.com/index2.mv: This site offers you to add a "pop under" (browser that automatically appears when your visitors leave your site).


Please note:
- Pop-ups are not recommended because they are blocked by most browsers, and pop-unders (web page below your main page) because it is too intrusive and generally proposed sites are of poor quality.
- Most sites require you to put the banner at the top of your site, at least on the first page scroll, which can be restrictive for the establishment.

To achieve your advertising banner, here are some tools ...

The best is to use software specifically designed to banner ads, and here two particularly simple and practical shareware:
- Ulead Gif Animator (http://www.ulead.com/ga/runme.htm), the historic leader, simple and practical (nb: the images are a bit heavy!).
-Microsoft Gif Animator (MS GIF animator), plus basic but effective.

You can also simply be a fixed banner ad (= a single image format .gif 468 x 60 pixels) with your slogan and a "click here" ... knowing that sometimes a still image with a simple message is more effective a heavy and unreadable animation.

Here also following a comprehensive tutorial that explains how to make a banner advertising (shame that the image is in 400 x 60!) Http://www.joliespages.com/pages/gifanim.php

Personally, this is the method I apply:
- Looking for the idea in passing: THE essential message to convey the visual to put ...
- I make a model on paper with what I want happens (like a story board cartoon), that is to say, I draw a dozen boxes that are about the size of headband, and I write in my criterion slogans, instead of the visual, animation I would like ...
- Once it's clear I run Photoshop / Photo Filter and I draw my "planks" of my mini cartoon significant in as my images (nb: the visual must be smaller than 58 pixels to move in the banner, therefore reduce their resolution or display a part).
- If my banner ad requires an animation, I use Gif Animator to link the different layers together.

If I need a movie a little more careful, I use Photoshop and Illustrator (slightly less simple to use, but with a more professional rendering).

To help you, here are the original files (Photoshop format) of some of my pubs. Although they are not the best in the world, they will serve you an example (there is a button 90 × 60, a skyscraper (120 x 600) and a banner (468 x 60)).

Learn all about the different ad formats, visit the Web site of the Journal: http://www.journaldunet.com/dossiers/sites/e-pub/annuaireformats.shtml

And a small utility to create animated GIFs from simple UnFREEz images.

If you really do not want to get your hands dirty, here are some sites that offer banner advertising models, but the result is often very average ... so be careful in your image!
http://www.crecon.com/newbanners.html#top (in English, with some banner templates).
http://www.quickbanner.com/qbr_api/joinform.dbm?serv=QuickBanner (one hundred medium quality banners in English).
http://www.creation-banniere-gratuite.com/ (choose from a few banners).

For more information you can consult the vegetableteam.stikipad.com site.

3 - Set up an affiliate program!

Membership is setting up a network of partner sites that will advertise for you in exchange for a fee on sales, on clicks or entries to your newsletter.

The interest is to have very quickly a significant advertising presence without having to spend a lot of money: you pay to the results provided so you can refuse to pay the fraudsters.

The major benefit of membership is to know exactly how much will cost the campaign before its launch (as opposed to the purchase of keywords where anything can go wrong if we let Google get carried away ..).

Membership is based on affiliate sites that broadcast the pub a affiliator (banner ad, emailing, link ...), in exchange for which he receives a percentage of sales or a fixed amount per sale, a given amount for a subscription to a newsletter .... This amount (to be attractive) is naturally defined affiliator.

A company can set up its own affiliate program and manage it from A to Z, or through affiliate platforms that are responsible for managing the logistics (setting up, sending the regulations, animation ...) but the big interest of an affiliate site is its database of thousands of affiliate sites ready for your pub ...

4- Advertise via sponsored links!

If 70% of visitors come from SEO, there are still 30% that come through sponsored links.

So there is a potential to exploit provided you follow a few basic rules.

First, as you pay per click is essential to define how you make on a client (on his life), and in view of that, how much you want to pay to acquire a new customer. You must define a ROI (Return On Investment) bearable for the company.

To compare it to your current acquisition costs, simply make the following calculation:
((CA new clients NA) - (Fee commercial actions of N-1)) / Number of new customers acquired.

For example, if a customer you earn € 200 margin on all his life, and you know that approximately 1% of "clickers" buy your products, and the cost of a click on an ad on Google would be to € 1, your profitability will be: 200 € - (€ 100 x 1) = 100 € margin remaining for each new customer acquired.

You can estimate the number of queries per month different keywords with the following services:
- Google Adwords Keyword tools
- Miva Keyword Generator

To improve the profitability of your ads (clicks and avoid cold prospects), it is best to target their ads to ensure high conversion rate command.

For this, you must:
- Choose specific keywords (2 or 3 words or more) where your ads are displayed, allowing you to better target and not to show your ads for nothing. Especially avoid generic keywords (eg, "car" alone in a garage ...), or mix generic keywords with specific keywords (eg car rental reindeer).
- Target your customers regionally (instead of a national display).
- View clearly in your ads sales triggers (eg prices, geographical location ...) in order not to attract "price fighter" whose budgets are too small for you.
- Agree to 2nd or 3rd position and not necessarily the first since the difference in price can reach 50% of cost.
- Set up home pages (landing pages) specific for these deals to reassure the client and the push to purchase.
- Work your Google ads to make an irresistible slogan (possibly by testing the sale in 2 stages as explained above). However, do not just multiple ads and more ads made, if possible employee-related keywords. Be sure to turn triggers keywords in the title of the ad, you will get a better click through rate.
- Test ever new hooks (with the name of your brand, not your brand, the customer benefit with the customer's problem highlighted ...).
- Analyze your return on investment and try not to be drawn into a bidding war with your competitors.
- Do not interrupt your ad campaign at risk of losing your position in the ranking of the displayed ads.
- The click rate on banner ads is usually 2% on search engines (Google ...) and 5% for specialized sites.

5 - Display about price Comparators (Shopbots)

If you have a commercial site, it is a must to let you know on the net.
The advantage of price comparison is a very strong reputation qualified (that are potential buyers), and the low point is the high cost of customer acquisition ...

There are 3 types of price comparison sites:
- GPs offering all kinds of products.
- Experts who specialize in one type of product.
- Prices comparators offer besides customer reviews.

The undisputed leader of price comparison is Kelkoo, but unless you have a large budget or products you are guaranteed to appear in the top positions.

The business model of these sites may seem very interesting (pay per click on your products or more rarely% on sales), but this can be very expensive very quickly if your offer is not successful or hidden costs or poor ergonomics are give prospects to order ...

In addition, the biggest price comparison (Kelkoo ...) implement an auction system to visibility: the more you pay the customers click the more you are at the top of the page ...

Therefore, unless a behemoth of e-commerce with a huge budget we advise you to turn to specialized shopping engines or with fewer merchants to be guaranteed to be in a good position (eg : shopoon.com, icomparateur.fr ...).

Of course, to be assured of being seen is essential to propose some call products specials sections of search engines or offer codes.

According to current studies, nearly 50% of Internet users compare prices online before buying.

The first 10 comparators prices in France are:
http://www.kelkoo.fr/: This is the historical leader with more than 1,000 referenced sites. It is also the first e-commerce site in France with its many shops white on Yahoo sites The Internet, Free, O1net ... Note a welcome package with 255 € clicks offered (about 1500 clicks 0 17 €).
http://www.leguide.com/) comparing prices for more than 8,500 websites, and publishes a weekly newsletter sent to over 380,000 subscribers. This is a value-added site with a forum and advice on products. By cons, it is difficult to stand out!
http://www.ciao.fr/: it is still a major player in the market, plus opinions of online product.
http://www.shopzilla.fr/: it is one of the top 10 general price comparison sites in France, with a simple and clear interface, with quite a few shops but these mostly large commercial sites (alapage, Cdiscount ...) .
http://www.shopping.com/: here the offer is very wide, and also many actors. The interface is pleasant and easy to use.
www.achetezfacile.com: The interface is simple and comparison of interesting products, but the criteria are sometimes not enough of them and give access to pages and comparative pages.
http://www.touslesprix.com/: a general comparison price, but that requires the user to register to gain access to comparative products.
http://www.monsieurprix.com/ (acquired by Yahoo-Kelkoo): it offers the advantage of having tips and a list of dealers is not too large, and especially a navigation much easier and more practical than its competitors.
http://www.clubic.com/: it is both a price comparison site and magazine.
www.Bestofmicro.com (Pangora.com) sets up the shopping boutiques of Alice, Lycos, ...

And here are some challengers:
http://www.shopoon.com/: Though general, this site is well known and well used to showcase your product offerings, including your special promos.
http://www.i-comparateur.com/: this site is a bit austere, but it nevertheless offers the essential features of price comparison. Another advantage is that there are few sites listed, which gives you a good view.
http://www.endengo.com/: This site includes hundreds of merchant sites, with some large trucks.
http://www.acheter-moins-cher.com/: Specializing in the cheapest prices, there are only 9 categories and prices really are ranked from high to low! The compensation can be done at the click or% of turnover
http://www.pricerunner.fr/: This site is quite original because (in theory) it indexes both products sites that are registered in the site, but at the same time it also lists the products of other sites and retailers that have set up shop.
http://www.twenga.fr/: navigation is easy with a system of tabs and the items for sale are extremely numerous!
www.wikio.fr/shopping: the shop Shoping Wikio, with the addition of user reviews about your products. Currently, only the market leaders are present on this site.
http://www.wantuno.com/: This site sells 1 original product while supplies last.
http://www.vozavi.com/ buying guide.
www.idealo.fr: a concept of German origin, introduced in France in September 2007.
http://fr.comparum.eu: a European comparison shopping engine with a full range of French version products.
http://www.i-comparateur.com/: General comparator

http://www.saysay.fr/: health guide for women.

http://www.fonzz.com/: Purchase comparator with advices.
http://www.priceconcept.eu: new arrived on the market, a European price comparison.

http://www.shoppingrevue.com: site reviews, and product testing.


Some of the many specialized shopping engines:
- In computer science and high tech: http://www.infomoinscher.net/, http://www.prixdunet.com/, http://www.prixmateriel.com/ http: //www.rue-montgallet. com /,
- In the Flowers http://www.aaz-fleurs.com/
- Bio: http://www.vitalprix.com/
- DVD price comparison: http://www.kayuko.com/

Note: Google started hitting the market with Froogle (http://froogle.google.com/), but for now this is not the case of France ... and the results are very average.

For more information, see the vegetableteam.stikipad.com site.

In addition to traditional comparators price, you can also use the sites of "social shopping". Social shopping is to assume that there are other users who give their opinion on the products and recommend them via a mini shop or banner on their websites or blogs.

There are 2 major social shopping sites Families:

- The recommendations which sites are available all products recommended by the participants (roughly a big shopping center). The best known in France www.looneo.fr, www.wikio.fr/shopping, www.sharyos.com, www.icionaime.com and www.ohmybuzz.com. These sites are still little visited, but in the US they are having some success (see http://www.thisnext.com/ the recent http://www.crowdstorm.com/, http://www.wishpot.com /, http://www.kaboodle.com/, http://www.stylehive.com/, http://www.sharyos.com/..)....

- Stores in white markings for blogs: these shops on the same principles affiliate mini-shops Amazon.fr, Fnac.com ... by allowing users to provide on their websites a selection of products. The best known remains www.zlio.com (3 milions of products available) www.monblogshopping.com (over 200 retailer sites) and www.lookmybiz.com.

To learn more about the social shopping sites, you can view an article on the social shopping by Captain trade.

6 - Using auction sites and market places

Another solution to gain visibility on the Internet, is to open a shop specializing on auction sites or marketplaces.

Http://www.ebay.fr/ in France is a major leader.

Indeed, not only you will have a ready structure to use for your items, but you will enjoy hearing from Ebay and its agreements with some comparison shopping.

The disadvantage is that the buyers of these sites seek above a price, and therefore should be offered either very cheap or very specific products.

To complete your profile, you can also sell on sites like sales opportunities and http://www.priceminister.com/ http://www.2xmoinscher.com/ that open minis virtual shops.

Finally, there are also market places, despite their confidentiality, however, are a good way to reach a very targeted audience.

Here is a list of specialized marketplaces:
The list of places of ebusiness.com markets
The list of Yahoo's market places

7 - Write a blog on your business

It is also a great way to become known:
- Referencing a blog in the search engines is very easy and helps attract visitors interested in the subject.
- Blogs are highly cited by other sites while a commercial site do not usually ...
- A blog allows to present its products and services and to demonstrate its capabilities through practical cases ...
- ...

For example, in 9 months ConseilsMarketing.fr had peaks of visits to 500 visitors / day, 4-5 new students to the newsletter daily quotes in many newsletters ...

There are many hosting blogging platforms, but here are the three leaders:
- Www.blogger.com: simple and convenient, it is a good tool to start, but to put up a blog "Pro" you will quickly be limited (no hergement files difficult customization, SEO bad ...).
- Www.wordpress.com: flexible and powerful, it is relatively customizable. It offers the advantage of heberger PDF ... free. By cons, it is not possible to add its own page ads (Adsense ...).
- Www.typepad.com: Powerful ... but pays! Choose this if your goal is to make a professional blog ...

For more information, see your article how to start a Blog Pro.

Find on this link a list of 88 Blogs of hosting platforms.
On the site OnLine journalist Review the comparison chart of the main blog sites.

Remember that the best support for this blog is to love and share our articles!

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