How truly have free internet?

Everyone loves free. We would like one day that internet will be free to all. Internet is the best medium of all time. Connect to the internet has become an important thing. If we can enjoy for free, there is no reason to go without.

You want to enjoy the many opportunities the Internet without spending a cent? You do not have the means to pay an Internet subscription and you want a simple solution to connect for free?

Good news! Have free internet it is now possible! In this article, we will discover some tips to get an internet connection for free.


This solution is typically used when you are out and allows you to enjoy internet in many public places. The hot spots are defined by access to a Wi-Fi network typically outdoors, and while some are paid, there are also numerous free or require a simple registration.

They may be proposed by the place where you are located, usually in train stations, museums, libraries or the airport, but also in many private places. An example would be the restaurants (especially fast food like McDonald's) but also hotels.

Hot-Spots are offered by the major telecom operators and saves your 3G or 4G package, for example by connecting rather Wi-Fi.

This is a simple way to enjoy free internet connection.
To find a hot spot and enjoy free Internet, search for Wi-Fi networks around you from your computer, smartphone or tablet to vote and select those generally begin with "HOTSPOT". Most of the time a web page will open and you will just follow the given instructions.

Free networks:

When you are home, if you search the list of Wi-Fi connections in the vicinity, it is not uncommon for networks named "Free WiFi" or "Free SFR" for example. It is simply a part of the box in which the idea of ​​"open".

In fact, to connect to it will be necessary to identify and use a password. If these networks are the foundation created for use by travelers subscribers, it is very easy to find on the Internet access codes a little research on your favorite search engine.

A very simple solution that allows for unlimited and fast Internet access for free! And if you can not find the code on the canvas, do not hesitate to ask your friends a pair of identifier to be able to connect free to the Internet. No fear for them, it does not really change their speed and the speed of their connection because the open part of the box is usually clamped. However,Free Internet surfing is more than enough.

Fon and global wifi opens to you

FON is a British company founded in 2005. Fon is the world's wifi network.
Its principle: share your wifi connection and in return you can connect for free to Fon spots (wireless bounds) in the world! Simply equip your modem with a Fonera router (between 40 € and 80 €), which allows to connect to Fon users. SFR holds a box, it is included in your subscription and therefore no hardware is to buy.

To connect to the Fon spots, you must first activate your Fonera Fon or service your Neufbox and create an account by filling out a form. With your password, you can log in wifi with your computer but also your smartphone wherever you are!

Internet is free for everyone in 2015

A US project called Outernet aims to send a hundred mini-orbiting satellites to disseminate information for free on the planet.

By 2015, every person has the right to access the internet for free. To do this, the MDIF, headed by the former chief editor of Expansion, Bernard Poulet, will proceed to send a constellation of about 150 low-cost satellites in the sky, cubes of just under 1.5kg and 10cm stops that will broadcast information sent from the ground.

The MDIF itself the objective of setting up a first version of Outernet in June 2015. For more information, I invite you to see the official website of the project.

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