Nintendo games comes to your smartphone

Right now, if you want to play a game Super Mario Bros and Mario Kart on your smartphone or tablet, you'll have to turn to an emulator. Although this process is quite possible he could change this fall. Indeed, not that emulators will disappear from application stores, but rather that Nintendo will officially start offering games for mobile devices, for the first time.

The famous Japanese company has announced a partnership with DeNA to create mobile versions of its games, as well as a multi-platform service that will allow users to play games on PC, game consoles and mobile devices.

The membership service is about to be launched this fall.

Nintendo and DeNA plan to create new games optimized for smartphones and tablets, rather than simply bring existing games that might not be friendly on a touch screen. But the new games will have the intellectual property of Nintendo, so do not be surprised to find familiar characters like Mario, Link and Yoshi.

DeNA is a Japanese company mobile portal, e-commerce, e-marketing, as well as social gaming, which has a great reputation in Japan. It puts particular games available, where in-apps purchases can be made. We do not know what this means for the prices of upcoming games Nintendo and DeNA.

While at present there is no word on what is specifically being developed, these details should be received at E3 2015.

Although this is the first time that Nintendo will make games featuring the characters available on a device that is not branded Nintendo, the company has not come out in the context of the market for game consoles. D Moreover, the company began to develop a new generation console, known by the codename Nintendo NX.

Among the "big three" console manufacturers, Nintendo has fallen behind Microsoft and Sony in recent years because of a reluctance to move towards a unified system like Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. Now with Dena, the idea is to correct this.
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