Mysterious disappearance of Evolution, the largest online drug supermarket

Stupor in the "dark web". Users of this "hidden web", whose sites are accessible only through the TOR anonymizing network and are not indexed in the search engines, found the sudden disappearance in the night of Tuesday 17 to Wednesday 18 March of Evolution, the largest drug sales site on the Internet, reports Wired. Unlike its predecessor Silk Road closed by the FBI in October 2013, there is no indication that a police operation has led to the disappearance of the site, created there about a year.

In recent days, users had nonetheless noted that it was impossible to remove bitcoins - this anonymous, decentralized currency - they had placed on their account Evolution. Site administrators had then explained that they faced technical difficulties.
But when the site has disappeared, a "wave of panic shook the economy of the online black market," says Wired. Buyers and dealers are now completely unable to recover the amounts left on the site. "I really look like a jerk. I lost two thousand dollars, "can you for example read on the Reddit community site.

The founders believed

Speculation is rife on the Internet to explain the situation. But the theory that stirs the most community site that defended by "NSWGreat" on Reddit, a seller who claims to be part of Evolution team.

Shortly before the site closure, he had expressed his "suspicion" against two founders of Evolution, known as Kimble and Verto pseudonyms. He accuses them openly have closed the site to steal the bitcoins users. "I'm sorry, but Verto and Kimble have fucked us, deplores the seller, who has filed $ 20 000 on the site. I am disgusted, speechless. I feel so betrayed. »

If this scenario is confirmed, the amount recovered by the site administrators could amount to several million dollars. When Silk Road had been closed, the FBI estimated that 3.6 million bitcoins were then stored in the accounts of its users. Silk Road was, however, at the time, smaller Evolution, who eventually replace it.
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