Samsung remove his name from Galaxy S6 in Japan

No, there This is not an April Fool: Japan, the future Samsung Galaxy S6 will not be adorned with the name of the South Korean brand. The harbinger of a withdrawal of the country?

The Samsung brand disappears from all communication around the Galaxy S6 in Japan, it's pretty incredible, but the information has been verified, the latest flagship Samsung simply be named Galaxy Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, sometimes coupled with that of the local operator, such as Docomo.

Goodbye Samsung Galaxy S6 on Japan
This disappearance of the Samsung brand is both the manufacturer's Facebook page, which has been renamed "Mobile Galaxy Japan", but above all, and that's the amazing thing about the smartphone itself, hence the name Samsung does not appear at all.

Samsung, which was asked about this astonishing decision indicates that the Galaxy brand is better known than his own brand. Unofficially, rumors suggested earlier this year that Samsung could simply leave Japan, the brand pointing only the 5th largest mobile phone manufacturers in the land of the rising sun.

Source: TechCrunch
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