Google Map Maker stops temporarily

After publicly apologized for the image of the Android mascot urinating on the Apple logo that appeared on Google Maps. And, to complete its offensive against this type of problem, the search company plans to disable editing a card until he can deal with these pranksters.

Apparently, since the original incident, which also included a separate image of defamation on the policy of Google, spammers increased the number of obscene modifications. Now and in an attempt to guard against this problem, Google announced that the editing Map Maker tool will be temporarily taken offline from today (May 12).

"We had an escalation of attacks on Google Maps in recent months," wrote the product manager of Google, Pavithra Kanakarajan in a publication on Google Product Forums. "Accordingly, we suspended automatic approval until we add more intelligent mechanisms to prevent such incidents," says the author of the article.

In response to the discovery of such obscenities, Google promised to improve its spam detection system to Map Maker. Disabling the tool will be a temporary solution, said the search giant.
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