iPhone 6S: it could be launched in August

Since the release of the iPhone 4S, Apple launched its annual upgrade of smartphones in September. But sources in the supply chain, from components of the iPhone 6S production going so well, Apple may be able to start earlier than expected device.

Indeed, a new publication for the Chinese website United Daily News (UDN) said that Apple could decide to bring forward the release of its iPhone 6S, from September to August.
Apple's new flagship smartphone could be formalized one month in advance, as a result of excessive performance of internal components. Of course, it would be a nice change of pace publication for Apple fans.

According to the publications, Apple has increased the amount of components controlled by a staggering amount, which could indicate the preparation for early release.

Apple pulls

If the rumor of a new smartphone a month earlier is actually very appealing, there is something to keep in mind before saying "goodbye" to your current iPhone. On one hand, there is a possibility that Apple want to push iOS has 9 of the new device.

Nevertheless, even if the hardware is ahead of schedule, Apple iOS still has to refine 9, which is not even in beta yet arrived among developers.

Full details of iOS 9 should be announced next month at WWDC, along with a new Apple TV with an integration of the App Store and Siri. Apple usually pushes its major iOS updates a few weeks before the launch of a new iPhone. However, if both the hardware and software are ready from the start, the launch date could be advanced.

On the other hand, if you went to an iPhone or iPhone 6 6 More last September, depending on your mobile operator and the subscription you have purchased, you might have to wait a month before using Force Touch feature in the future iPhone, or 2 GB of RAM, the camera of 12 megapixels, a reinforced hull and a much better Touch ID sensor. However, as with all rumors, each new publication should be taken with a grain of salt.
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