Encrypt your sensitive data on Mac

The most basic safety measures are of course to properly configure your user accounts and set passwords "strong". But that does not prevent an attacker and sufficiently informed to access your data in case of loss or theft of your Mac, including. If you store data "sensitive" -information banking, legal, financial or other confidential documents, it is more than advisable to protect this data. Especially, of course, if your Mac is portable ...

There are different methods and tools that allow you to make your confidential data unreadable by any user without the key that protects: FileVault protection built into Mac OS X is one, but it does not have only advantages and there are other options, such as disk images protected by password-password, or free software like TrueCrypt, MOE, or proprietary software, which will be discussed.


We devoted a separate article Filevault which requires that we understand well what we do and that we take precautions to avoid to make your Mac unusable or lose data.

Introduced in Mac OS X 10.3, FileVault encryption functionality has been completely redesigned with version 10.7 (Lion) and she needed it! It also speaks frequently of "FileVault 2," even if it is still called FileVault in Mac OS X.

In short

In versions of Mac OS X prior to 10.7, FileVault will allow users to encrypt files. Since Lion, the entire system partition is encrypted, so that unauthorized user can not boot the Mac (though he can use if an authorized person has started, thus unlocking the drive, by entering the password).

If you have a version of Mac OS X earlier than 10.7 (Lion), we do not recommend the use of FileVault, which presents too much risk of data loss, can dramatically slow your system requires disk space greater than that of ... user folder that you encrypt, causing problems with Time Machine and, to top it all, is not really safe because it does not encrypt many files that should be. Therefore prefer an alternative presented below or go to Lion, though this seems justified.

If you are running OS X 10.7 and want to protect your data by encryption, FileVault 2 has nothing to do with the previous version and can be a good choice (see the article dedicated to FileVault 2 for more information) .

There are, as we shall see, very valid FileVault alternatives that can be enough to many users. Choose the one that seems tailored to the way you use your Mac.

Create an encrypted disk image

If you do not find useful to encrypt encrypted disk image Macl'intégralité your data, but only a few documents / confidential files, there is a simple and effective alternative to FileVault disk images protected by password.

Here's how:

1- Open Disk Utility (/ Applications / Utilities / Disk Utility).

2 Click File> New> Blank Disk Image.

3- In the "Save As" box, name the image file.

4. Choose the location of the image (you can create aliases ...)

5- Change possibly the Image Name "up" (open). It was under this name that the image will appear on the desktop and in the sidebar of Finder windows.

6. Choose the maximum size that can have the image from those predefined or by clicking "Customize" at the bottom of the menu.

7-Unless you see a good reason to use a different format, let "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)"
8- Encryption: if you want just a password protection with proper security, choose 128-bit. If you prefer safety over speed, choose 256-bit. As always, it is an environmental issue but on a laptop, the best level of security is the most suitable.

9- Image Format: disk image in read / write (.dmg) will have fixed size defined above, whereas a low density disk image (.sparseimage) or sparsebundle picture "will grow" depending on what you add up the maximum size defined above. A sparsebundle image is a cut sparse image "sections" 8 MB This is the preferred format if you use Time Machine, among others.

10- Click "Create" and choose a password, it is advisable to note in a safe place, especially if you do not save it in the keychain, which is often better (see our article on words password). Although this seems obvious because this is the goal, nevertheless point out that, if you lose this password and have not saved in the keychain, you can not read the documents in the image.

Ho to Use:
you have for example created a numerical picture "Coffre.sparseimage" in your home folder. If it is not already mounted (visible on the desktop and in the sidebar of Finder windows), double-click it and copy any documents you want to protect (and do not forget to delete the original non -protected ...).

You can organize this volume as any folder and even create aliases for files and folders it contains and move them where you want. When you click the alias, the password you set for the image you are asked to mount the image and open the file or folder contents.

As you see, it is extremely simple, very flexible and can be considered as sufficient security for many users. But if you want to encrypt all your personal information, it is not the solution. You can use FileVault 2 or the software we will review quickly.

Encryption Software

PGP Whole Disk Encryption: certainly one of the best commercial alternatives to FileVault (if you can not use version 2 or if it lacks features you need). A comprehensive solution, with centralized management rather for companies, without exception. Check Point Full Disk Encryption is another valid option.

MOE: free software for Mac and Windows, easy to use, MEO lets you encrypt files, folders and emails. Uses algorithms 3-DES or 256-bit Blowfish. You can find a presentation in French here, which should allow you to use MOE even if you do not speak English.

TrueCrypt: a cross-platform encryption software (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) for free and open-source very powerful, partially translated into French. TrueCrypt lets you create a virtual encrypted disk within a file, encrypt an entire partition or an external volume (hard disk, USB stick). The encryption is transparent fast, "on the fly" and encryption options are many. So a very powerful software, but not completely intuitive, so rather for advanced users.

In conclusion: as you see, there are many options to make your files unreadable by anyone who does not have authentication key. Some are used to encrypt a single file or folder, others a whole disk. More does not always mean better, if you have a landline and want to protect some sensitive files, software like MOE will suit you. If you have more confidential information (and especially if you have a laptop), pictures protected by password or a FileVault type 2 or commercial alternative solution will be best suited.

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