The Most Dangerous Web Sites in The Internet

So now that you are here browsing the deep web, you have made the choice to dive in, There are a few precautions you should take. 

First you should disable JavaScript and cookies on your browser .Why? There are some very sophisticated computer users in the deep web. 

They make the virus writers and worm guys on the surface web look like obnoxious children, by comparison. By disabling these two features you will add a much tighter level of security to your browsing experience.

Remember that you are diving into a pool that is not only deep but it is dark. You cannot see around corners and you have no way of really knowing what you are clicking on. 
There are forums and blogs sure. But there are also some highly suspect sites (legally) and some are blatantly illegal and do not try to hide that fact. There are hacking information sites, warez/crack sites, hit-men sites, credit card exchanges . 

HackBB - http://clsvtzwzdgzkjda7.onion 

Ok next we have the sites where illegal drugs are bought and sold. There may be anything from low quality prescription drugs all the way up to the hard core drugs like cocaine and heroin. 
In this site, anything goes, and you can pretty much buy any type of drug you want and have it delivered to your residence. (not that we are condoning this practice or encouraging it).

Silk Road - http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion 

Ok after this you have the sites where arms dealers buy and sell guns. But not only guns. These sites sell anything from handguns, to military assault rifles. These sites will deal in any type of weapon you can imagine including shoulder fired grenade launchers (RPGs). 
I am certain that if you looked around long enough you could find sites that sell any type of military weapon you can think of, including tanks and helicopters.

TorDir - http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion 

Depends on what you mean by Legal ? I would seriously doubt that any site that deals in this type of merchandise would be considered legal in the eyes of the govt of any country. 
Certainly dealing with the people on the other end would be not only challenging, it could be downright dangerous.
Next you have sites which specialize in hired guns, or hitmen, as they are known to some. These of course could be anything from sites where they sell services to eliminate a cheating spouse to sites where they actually have mercenaries for hire. 

These mercenaries are basically private soldiers who hire out on contract to provide either protection services or ally with pre-chosen parties to attempt to overthrow a corrupt government. These sites are serious, and they mean business. 

Do not even attempt to enter one of these types of websites unless you know someone who has visited the site before. If they do not know you or have a referral, they will not do business with you. 

For any question or have others dangerous websites feel free to leave a comment.
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