How do I know if someone has read my email?

  You have sent an important email and you want to know if the recipient he was  read your email? Wondering if the email you sent the other day has been received?

One can reach this information through a third party application that will be grafted onto Webmail interface or use an online service. In this article, we will see two methods that allow you to track your mails in a simple and fast!

Knowing if your mail has been read: First Method

Thanks to the MailTrack extension, you will be able to track your emails and knowing if your email has been read!

With MailTrack, you get double information. On one side, you can find out if mail sent to your Google email account have been read and, on the other, to avoid being mislead towards receiving an email. In addition, installation is simple and provides confidentiality to 100%.

How does it work? When you send a message, MailTrack adds a small invisible image that will be activated each time you open the email by the recipient. When the recipient receives the email, it opens at the same time the image then returns you read acknowledgment signal.

The only flaw of this extension is that it does not work every time. Indeed, if the recipient has blocked the images contained in the emails, the process will not be operational.

Download MailTrack

Knowing if your mail has been read: Second Method

The second method is to use an online service that will help you track the email sent. A good example is called Getnotify.

Getnotify is a free service that lets you know if any of your emails sent has been read or not by the recipient. This is a good solution to avoid waiting people answers that we're not sisters they have received our email.

To use Getnotify, you must first register on the site with your email address and then start using the service.
To track an email, this is done via your webmail (gmail, yahoo, etc) or usual mail handler.

After you register on the site, just send your emails as usual by simply adding "" at the end of the recipient's address.

For example, to track an email sent to "" send it to "".

All tracking details will then be available via the dashboard on the site.

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