How to send an anonymous email?

  You have your personal email address, but for once you want to protect your identity and send an email anonymously?
May be to disseminate information to the press or militant organizations or to sign online petitions. There is a whole lot of reasons to want to remain anonymous and not to disclose his real email. After all anonymity and privacy is a right.

The easiest way is to look for a free email service like Gmail, create a new account and hop, neither seen nor known. There is no marked my name on it, so I'm quiet.
This is false. You should know that there is not your name, but there is the IP address of your PC in the headers of the message that is used to identify you.

In this article, I will present the most reliable way to send anonymous emails.

The most secure method to send an anonymous email is using online web services temporarily to have a anonyme.Vous mailbox can send and receive in confidence.

So here are a few anonymous email services that allow you to send and receive email anonymously. With some, you will benefit from encrypting your emails.

Anonymous Email - TorGuard.

TorGuard provides an anonymous and encrypted email box with many options sécurité.Il lets you send anonymous emails to your destinaitaire. There are paid versions, but the free version offers 10 MB of storage. With OpenPGP encryption, you can encrypt any message before sending it. TorGuard is very easy to use and is compatible with all web browsers.

Tor email

Tor Mail is totally free to send anonymous emails for any purpose. Mail Tor works on the Tor network using several hidden servers that makes it completely untraceable. operation is done by transmitting information via a computer before accessing multitudes has asked the computer. This service is developed to offer maximum anonymity, so this is one of the best ways to be sure not to be traced. allows you to send anonymous e-mails without any registration. Simply fill out the form which includes; Recipient's address, subject and content of the email. There is also an option to attach a file to the email. If you want a response from the receiver, you can specify a reply-to address.


CyberAtlantis is very simple and easy to use. You just have to specify the mail address of the recipient, the subject of your message, and body. It will remove your IP address when sending your e-mail makes you even more difficult to trace.


GuerrillaMail has a unique feature that provides the user. It has an auto email address destructible disposable temporarily so you can send anonymous emails to anyone on the Internet. The email address is deleted automatically after one hour. As soon as you connect to the site, a random email address is created, and you can use it to send and receive emails in anonymous mode.

Finally, I recommend you combine these services with the use of other tools such as increasing anonymity Tor, https proxy or a VPN. Without it, your identity could be revealed only by your IP address.

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